Damien, a math teacher from Ireland. Damien left his wife and five children at home, ages 12 to 24. He is one of the strongest cyclists and is often the first one to complete the day's ride. He lives in the mountains so knows what it takes to grind up these climbs.

Jeff a mt. bike camper from Prescott - not one of our riders. Jeff put us to shame by passing us with that loaded bike.

North of Prescott checking out the false flats on the approach to the Mingus Mt. climb. This turned out to be another one of those days with gusty headwinds putting us in low gear on what looked like flat going.

Achim and Alex from Germany on their unique tandem - easy to talk to one another and the front guy can take pictures without stopping. They trade positions periodically.

The summit of Mingus Mt. That's me on the left with a few of the women on the tour. The women put us old guys to shame.

Looking down on Jerome, an old copper mining town that dwindled down to a population of 40 and then regrew into an artistic community.
Cottonwood, our goal for today, is in the distance on the Verde Valley floor. Sedona is far on the horizon. This was a ten mile coast down to Cottonwood with a stop in Jerome for lunch - a welcome reprieve after climbing all morning. This was a very delightful afternoon.
My Army friend, Bob Herring and his wife Annie, drove up to see me in Jerome. They live near Sedona. Bob will drive up to Flagstaff on Sunday for our rest day.
On to Flagstaff tomorrow - our 2nd biggest climbing day of the tour.
Bye for now and thanks for the comments.