Today was rest day in Santa Fe, NM, which was very welcomed after riding in cold rain and sleet the last couple of days. Warren (from Texas) and I took 72 year old George (from England) down to a bike shop to get a new seat for his bike and some warmer cycling clothes for these cold days we've been having. George has been having seat problems. He tried a new one yesterday that didn't work out so he got one like mine today - a Terry Fly Ti. Warren doesn't have seat problems since he rides a recumbent with a lawn chair type seat.

After the visit to the bike shop, Warren and George decided they needed haircuts and we found a walk-in hair salon near the bike shop. George's stylist let me take a picture if I would give the salon a plug - so here it is: Kathy Bodelson at "The Cuttery" in Santa Fe, NM.

Warren didn't have much taken off but George did - maybe more than he had planned on. We told him that he would have to start wearing his name tag again as people wouldn't recognize him.

Next we took the city transit bus downtown to the center square where there was an art show going on. While there, we toured the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum. Georgia O'Keeffe painted abstracts of landscapes - particularly of New Mexico landscapes. From left to right - myself, Warren, George, and Barbara (from California). Barbara had ridden the first part of the tour to Albuquerque last year and so joined in at Albuquerque yesterday to complete the tour to Boston this year. She is the 2nd oldest person on the tour - George being the oldest.

This photo is of the New Mexico Art Museum. New Mexico architecture has a unique adobe style.

The center square in downtown Santa Fe was hosting an art exhibit.

Art venders were lined up along the overhang of this building across from the center square.
Tomorrow we ride to Las Vegas, NM, - a distance of 73 miles with about 4900 feet of climbing.
Thanks for the comments.