Today we again had a nice tailwinds for most of the day. We needed them to help nudge us up the many rolling hills. The day was very humid and so we were pretty much soaking wet all day.

Brookfield was the first town that we passed through at around 25 miles out.
The photo shows us passing through the middle of the county fair which was set up along Main Street, the town square, and a park.

Now that we are in the Midwest, we are losing the nice shoulders that we have had to ride on in the Western states. However, the traffic was light so riding in the traffic lane did not cause us to be in much danger. This view resembles my home territory.

A road sign to "New Boston". Does that mean that we're getting close to Boston, MA?

Missouri's "rolling hills". One of the staff members, Rick, has counted today's hills in prior years. He says that we had 148 hills during the last 50 miles of today's ride. No wonder we're tired.

Our last turn (left) for the last two miles into Kirksville. If I would keep going 120 miles north on U.S. 63, I would pass through my long-time home town of Montezuma, IA, and not far from my retirement home town of Grinnell.
I have received a comment asking what "sag" stands for as used in our "sag stops". WikiAnswers defines sag as:
"SAG as used in bicycling terms means Support And Gear. A SAG stop usually has individuals who can help fix your bike or provide other support such as refreshment and minor first aid."
That definition fits as that is exactly what happens at our sag stops. In addition, if one is unable to continue for some reason, he can load his bike up and ride to the destination in the sag vehicle.
Tomorrow, we ride 74 miles to Quincy, IL.
Bye for now and thanks for the comments.