Regrouping at the end of the ride to Revere Beach.
I am dipping my front wheel in the Atlantic Ocean, completing my journey across the U.S.
Alex dipping the wheel of his and his dad's (Achim) recumbent-tandem bicycle. Alex and Achim are from Germany and peddled their 60 lb bike every inch of the way. They went extremely slow up hills but went very fast down hills and on the flats. They generally finished each day's ride ahead of most of us.
Damien with his bike on the beach.
Damien (Ireland), Randy (CA), and myself on the beach. Randy and I rode together on most days of the tour.
Our entire group at Revere Beach in Boston. Thirty-five riders arrived at the Atlantic Ocean. Some riders only rode part of the route as some take two or more years to complete the entire tour. Laura (CA), the woman in jeans in the front row, did only the first two weeks of the tour but came out to Boston to join the ending celebration. She plans to complete the entire route in future years. I am first on the right of the front row.
After the festivities at the beach, we all were hauled back the 18 miles to our motel in Burlington, as by late morning the Boston traffic was quite heavy. Since we had completed our journey, there was no need to take any more last minute risks in the traffic.
Our completed journey. This map was displayed in the hotel lobbies each day.
Back at the motel in Burlington, we began the tasks of washing our bikes and packing them for shipping home. Some would take them in personal vehicles, others by plane, but most would ship them by UPS or FedEx. The other Bob, Boston Bob, lives only 4 minutes by bike from the motel so will ride his home. Here Rich (IL) is packing his bike.
Mike (England) packing his bike.
Clark, one of the CrossRoads staff, packing a bike. Riders could have their bikes packed by CrossRoads for a fee - which many did. I boxed my own bike and it should arrive home by UPS later next week.

Most riders and their guests will spend this last night in the motel and then leave at various times over the weekend. I will be flying out of Boston late tomorrow morning.
Nice work!I kind of lost track of your blog. I have not been able to find an internet connection for the last few weeks and when I did I didn't have your link. I will go back and read it all later in the mean time great work. We entered Romannia today. The ride across Europe has been filled with dangers. Just about everyone here has wrecked. At any rate it has been a real experience. Take care and congratulations!
realy enjoyed your daily blogs will miss them, wish you all the luck in the world....George and Marj
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