Looking back towards the San Francisco Peaks after cycling about 36 miles down the road towards Holbrook with 60 miles remaining in front of me.

This turned out to be our best day yet for riding although there wasn't much scenery to see - just wide open desert as far as the eye could see. We had a slight tailwind most of the day and a gentle grade to climb. We were cycling 20-24 mph down I40 and my group averaged 16.2 mph for the entire day. It was the fastest 96 miles that I have ever done.

We stopped in Winslow for pictures at the famous "Standin' on the Corner in Winslow, AZ," statue and also had a nice lunch in Winslow.

Further on down the road, we stopped at the famous Jackrabbit Trading Post for pictures on the jackrabbit statue and also had a sag stop at that location.

The biggest excitement of the day was many flat tires from the shredded truck tire wire along the shoulder of I40. I learned to stop often and inspect my tires for wire before they were driven in deep enough to cause flats. Fortunately, I did not have any flats and have not had any on the tour so far - "knock on wood".

Oops! Wrong motel. I don't think these have air conditioning.
We cruised on in to our motel in Holbrook by 2:45. It was a beautiful day - a little warm, but otherwise perfect.
Tomorrow is more of the same on down I40 to Gallup, NM, hopefully with the nice tail wind again. There will also be a time change when we cross into NM, as Arizona is not on daylight savings time. We have been on Pacific Time since we left L.A. We will lose an hour tomorrow.
Bye for now and thanks for the comments.
from your photos the scenery looks fantastic..especially Arizona. Wondering what type of tires you have? Not getting flats riding on the shoulder of an interstate sounds pretty impressive.
Be safe and have fun!
John Osborne
Hard to believe that you are doing so much of this on the shoulder of interstate highway. What's it like when trucks or prople pass?
Keep after it, it sounds terrific.
You are making great progress. The Jack Rabbit was a fun spot. It is one of the very few bits of Route 66 which still survives. There sure isn't much left. The complexsion of the ride must be very different with Jim Hall running the show. Just a few more days of interstate and then it is on the more relaxing secondary roads. Less flats, less traffic, no shoulders. You take the good with the bad.
Let's Ride
Hi Bob: Sure enjoy your blogs and pictures.You really are in shape to be doing this ride. Hope you have some strong tail-winds along the trip. On our way back to Iowa 3 weeks ago, we had strong tail-winds from Gallop to Ok.City, and north to DesMoines. It gave us 3 MPG better mileage than normal. We just finished putting in our small garden. . Keep the good work up.
God Bless you. Jim and Carolyn
Hi, please give my regards to George Garner, he`s the 72 year old teenager that you have with you. Tell him that all of his friends in England are thinking about him, including his old army buddies scattered all over the U.K. ( We all meet each year and have done since 1959.) He must be fitter now than when he was in the military. Regards and safe riding to you all, Ray Wilcox.
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