Today started out to be an 87 mile ride to Champaign, IL. It grew by 8 miles, making it 95, before the day was over as we had to detour around two bridges that were closed due to flooding.

The day started out calm as these smokestacks in back of our motel show - the vapors are drifting straight up. Fifteen mile tailwinds did develop for the day which made the long ride very pleasant and even faster than our fast century ride of yesterday. Randy and I averaged 16.0 mph for the entire day. Randy also had two more flat tires and so plans on putting on two new tires during our rest day in Champaign tomorrow. His tread has worn down to quite thin.

Twenty-seven miles to Champaign - but just up the road we had another bridge-out detour which added another 1.5 miles. Not far back we had a 6.5 mile detour around another bridge-out.

Our roads today were much like our roads back home with no shoulders but low traffic.

Mike from England taking a break at a Casey's gas station. We have three Casey's stations in small-town Grinnell.

Brendan from England rolling in for a break at Casey's.

Most of us stopped at a very nice bike shop on the edge of Champaign. Here is Clark one of our staff members also stopping to browse.

The bike shop had a women's clothing and accessories department which was very popular among the women riders.
I recently asked my hometown bike dealer why he didn't have many men's cycling clothes but lots of women's. His reply was that men don't buy bike clothes.

George from England modeling some of the newly purchased women's clothes. The women also had mail-order packages of clothes waiting for them at our Champaign rest day motel. The women riders cannot understand how men can wear the same clothes day after day - we do wash them daily.
Tomorrow will be our rest day in Champaign. My wife, Kim, arrived at our motel shortly after I did - having driven over from Ft. Madison, IA, where she had spent the weekend with childhood friends. Kim grew up in Ft Madison.
Bye for now and thanks for the comments.
Hi, tell George G. that he looks very fetching in that pink top and pill box hat, hope that he does not ride his bicycle in public dressed like that... he will get locked-up. It`s a privilage to be able to follow your progress daily on your blog,keep up the good work and stay safe. Our regards to George and the whole team.
Ray & Margaret Wilcox, England.
I say I like your style George x x x Marj x x
Bob, Enjoy your rest day with Kim, and tell her "Hello" from both of us. Sounds like you've been skirting the storms-keep it up. I thought about you today as I rode my motorcycle to Prescott via Jerome. How long ago does it seem since you were riding thereon the way to Cottonwood? Your blog helps keep track of the days. Hang in there. Best Wishes, Bob Herring
Trust you georgey, laughed my head off. Will tell the boys at home of your usual antics, well done buddy.
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