Today we had a 15-20 mph tailwind pretty much all day. The route was not as scenic as yesterday but most of it was good going with decent shoulders on which to ride. It was also overcast the entire day which makes for better riding - rather than having the sun glaring in our eyes plus the warmer temps when the sun is shining.

A monkey mascot, "Chester", that one of the GUYS has on his bike - Ron from New York.

A sign pointing the way to Oskaloosa, KS. I am showing this because we have an Oskaloosa, IA, that is about 40 miles south of where I live in Iowa.

We crossed the Missouri River at Atchison, KS. The bridge is just above the right front of the truck (click on photo to enlarge). I was unable to take a closer photo of the bridge because we had to ride in the traffic lane with the traffic. The bridge road-surface had a rough texture that vibrated us like a massage machine.

The Missouri state line - not a very impressive sign for the "Show-Me State".

And a Missouri license plate.

Entering St. Jo, MO, our destination for today. Randy from CA taking a picture of the sign.

We rode through St. Jo on a scenic parkway of several miles in length. It took us up over the bluffs and down the other side. As we passed under this freeway we heard someone calling out to us. It was 72 year-old George from England who was lost and passing over us on the freeway. He climbed over the railing, down the steep bank, and joined us on the parkway. George doesn't wear his reading glasses while riding and often loses his way when entering towns when he can't read his cue sheet. This wasn't the first time.

George back on course again.
Tomorrow, we have an 86 mile ride to Chillicothe, MO.
Bye for now and thanks for the comments.
GEORGE GEORGE why haven't you got your glasses on? then you wouldn't keep getting lost love from his other half Marj x x x
Getting lost is no fun, a friend of mine carries her reading glasses wrapped in a piece of cloth in a pouch in her camel back just because of having to read route maps. Or maybe George needs to hit a dollar store or Michaels that sells throw away reading glasses cheap. And yes Michaels, I was in there around Christmas and they had a big bunch of reading glasses in a bin. 1.00 a piece, and yes they were cheap and didn't last long but sometimes you don't want to risk a good pair. Good weather, good roads and good health for you and your compainions.
Good for people to know.
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