L.A. to Boston - May 10 to June 28 - 3415 Miles

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

March 26th - The Rider List Is Out

We have received the rider list for this year's XC tour. There are 47 registered riders. Some may not be riding the entire distance as it is possible to register for the Southwest one-third, the Midwest one-third, the Eastern one-third, or the entire distance.

The average age of the group is 56 and the range is 27 to 72. There are 31 men and 16 women on the ride. There are five couples and one father/son pair.

The group includes one rider from Ireland, five from England, one from Canada, and two from Germany. It should be an interesting group to ride with.

Below is an age/gender distribution chart that I worked up:

(Left-click graph to enlarge)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck on your ride! Its a very interesting route; should be a lot of interesting sights.

I assume you have to ship your bike to CA and then back home again. What kind of support does XC Bicycle adventure provide?

Interesting distribution of people too. Bimodal and older than I would have thought.

What bike are you riding and did you make any modifications in preparation for the ride?

Bob Hoehle